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Last Updated:
3/23/2025 11:15 AM


Foster Application
Contact Information
















Please list the Name & Age and Relationship of every household member, including yourself



























If you don't currently own any pets, but have in the past, please provide the name and phone number of your most recent vet











Please provide two to three personal references (we must be able to verify at least two of them)






I affirm that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. If understand that if this application is approved by HUGS, it becomes part of my volunteer file, and part of the Adoption Contract if I were to adopt a HUGS dog at any time. Any misrepresentation in this application will constitute a material breach of the Adoption Contract. If this application is approved and a misrepresentation is discovered by HUGS, any animal adopted pursuant to this application must be immediately returned and surrendered to the rescue upon request:



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