First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Primary Applicant's First and Last Name, and Age:*
What is your occupation? *
Secondary Applicant's First and Last Name (if a couple)
What is the secondary applicant's occupation?
Type of Residence*
Do you Rent or Own?*
If renting, please provide landlord's name and phone number
How long at present address?*
Please list the Name & Age and Relationship of every household member, including yourself
Myself (Name & Age)*
Household Member #2, if applicable (Full Name, Age & Relationship)
Household Member #3, if applicable (Full Name, Age & Relationship)
Household Member #4, if applicable (Full Name, Age & Relationship)
Household Member #5, if applicable (Full Name, Age & Relationship)
Household Member #6, if applicable (Full Name, Age & Relationship)
Is anyone in the household elderly, infirm, or at special risk of being knocked over by a large dog?*
Are there members outside of your household who may visit frequently and play a significant part in the dog's life? Such as friends, relatives, neighbors, visiting grandchildren, etc...?*
How will you educate and train children in appropriate ways to treat and interact with a dog? (including children who live with you, or who are visiting your home)
Is everyone in agreement of fostering?*
Is anyone allergic to animals?*
Do you have plans to move in the near future?*
Type of fence (a fence is required)
How tall is your fence?
Current Dog #1 (if applicable). Please list name, gender, breed and age
Dog #1 (if applicable) Lives
Current Dog #2 (if applicable). Please list name, gender, breed and age
Dog #2 (if applicable) Lives
Current Dog #3 (if applicable). Please list name, gender, breed and age
Dog #3 (if applicable) Lives
Current Dog #4. Please list name, gender, breed and age
Dog #4 lives indoors/outdoors
Do you have cats?*
If you do have cats, do they stay
Do you have*
Do your current pets have any issues that might affect your new German Shepherd dog? These could include medical issues. Or behavior, such as being fearful, jealous, guarding food, toys, people, etc... Being high-energy, protective, not wanting other dogs in their face?*
If you currently have any pets, are all your pets spayed or neutered?*
If you answered no, please explain why
How many pets have you owned in the last 10 years?*
Where are those pets now? Choose all that apply: Lost/Ran Away Rehomed Deceased Still with me
If lost, rehomed or deceased, please provide details.*
Have you ever had to give up a pet?*
If yes, please explain circumstances
Have you ever fostered dogs before?*
If yes, who did you foster through?
What is your experience with German Shepherds or similar breeds?*
Why would you like to foster at this time?*
What is your experience as a dog-owner/trainer? How do you plan on training your German Shepherd dog?*
Have you practiced off-leash with previous dogs, or will the new dog be allowed off-leash?
If Other, please provide details
Are you willing to deal with issues during the adjustment period, such as chewing, digging, mouthing, and housebreaking (including potty-training)?*
Who would be responsible for your foster dog's daily care?*
How many hours a day would your foster dog be left alone?*
Where will the dog stay during the day when alone (while you are at work, run errands, etc...)?
Where will the dog stay at night?
How active is your household?*
Will the foster dog be included in family activities?*
Are you aware that GSDs and other herding breeds are very active, shed year-round, and require considerable quality time and dedication (training, exercise, leadership, and supervision)?
Do you have the time and resources to adequately train, socialize, and exercise your German Shepherd dog?*
Where will your foster dog stay during family trips/vacations?*
Vet's phone number*
If you don't currently own any pets, but have in the past, please provide the name and phone number of your most recent vet
Vet's phone number
Are your current dogs on Flea and Tick Preventative?*
Heartworm Disease is a devastating disease that can be contracted by an unprotected dog when he/she gets bit by a disease-carrying mosquito. Heartworm disease is expensive to treat and very hard on the dog. Are your dogs on Heartworm Preventative?*
HUGS provides monthly heartworm preventative for your foster dog. Can you commit to picking up the monthly oral preventative from us and administer it to your foster dog at the same time every month, so that he/she is adequately protected?*
What brand of food do you feed your dogs (if you currently have any)?
How will you exercise your foster dog?*
How do you plan to socialize your foster dog?*
Do you have a preference in gender?
Do you have a preferred age range?
Are you open to mixes and/or breeds other than German Shepherds? Choose all that apply: Yes No Possibly
Are you open to fostering
Length of foster care
Are there any issues or personality traits that you would prefer not to deal with in a foster dog?*
What circumstances would, in your mind, justify giving away or surrendering a pet?*
Are you willing to allow HUGS, or HUGS' representative, to conduct a home visit as part of the application process?*
Are you willing to attend HUGS events with your foster dog at least once a month? If you are not able to attend, would you be willing to make transportation arrangements with HUGS so that your dog may attend?*
Are you willing to take your foster dog to scheduled vet appointments or make alternative arrangements with HUGS so that your foster dog may not miss any necessary veterinary care?*
Please provide two to three personal references (we must be able to verify at least two of them)
Reference #1 - Full Name and Phone Number*
Reference #2 - Full Name and Phone Number*
Reference #3 - Full Name and Phone Number
Have you ever been investigated for or charged with any type of animal mistreatment (including abuse, neglect or other cruelty)?*
Have you ever applied or volunteered with any other rescues? If so, which one(s)?*
How did you hear about us?*
We do not have a shelter facility. All of our dogs are housed in our approved foster homes. If you commit to taking a foster dog, please be sure that you are ready for this commitment and that you are truly committed to fostering a dog at this time. Changing your mind at the last minute &/or not being ready to take your assigned dog when he/she arrives, will leave that dog with nowhere to go upon arrival, and will be grounds for dismissal from our volunteer Foster program.
I affirm that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. If understand that if this application is approved by HUGS, it becomes part of my volunteer file, and part of the Adoption Contract if I were to adopt a HUGS dog at any time. Any misrepresentation in this application will constitute a material breach of the Adoption Contract. If this application is approved and a misrepresentation is discovered by HUGS, any animal adopted pursuant to this application must be immediately returned and surrendered to the rescue upon request:
Volunteer Agreement: By submitting this application, I certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I understand that as a volunteer for Heartland German Shepherd Rescue, I will provide my own automobile and health insurance, and hereby agree to not hold HUGS or any of its volunteers, associates, or foster care providers liable for any physical, emotional, or property damages that are a direct or indirect result of activities involved in the care, placement, transport, grooming, training, or evaluating of German Shepherd Dogs in any way associated with HUGS. This includes any and all activities I perform as a HUGS volunteer. I understand that there are inherent risks when dealing with any dog for HUGS, including but not limited to dog bites. I will read HUGS’s policies, when provided for specific areas and circumstances, and agree to act in accordance with these policies while I am representing HUGS. I understand that I will be notified by the Volunteer Coordinator once I have been approved. By signing this document, I authorize HUGS to call my listed references and discuss my pet-owning and keeping abilities, to share that information with other humane groups, and to use and disclose information in a manner consistent with HUGS policies.
Primary Applicant (first and last name)*
Secondary Applicant, if applicable (first and last name)